Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm off to NYC......

Me: I'm headed for New York City, and in my bag I have an apple.

Him: I'm headed for New York City, and in my bag I have an apple and a baseball bat.

.... an apple, a baseball bat and a box of crayons.

.... an apple, a baseball bat, some crayons and a duck.

Me: You're gonna put a duck in the bag?

Him: Yep.

Okaaaaaaay .... an apple, a baseball bat..... and an energy bar.

.... a fan

.... a great big cookie.

Me: Hmmmmmm...... how come all my things are food?

Him: (strange look) .... an apple... a great big cookie and a baseball hat.

.... an ice cream sandwich.

.... a jar of jam.

.... a kid.

Him: A what???

Me: A kid. You know, a baby goat.

Him: You're putting a baby goat in the bag?

Me: I was going to throw a kangaroo in there, but I didn't think the bag was big enough. He'll keep the duck company.

(...giggles all around)

Me: Quit your gigglin' and put something in the bag!

Him: Can I have the 'M'?

Me: No, the M is put something in the bag!

.... an apple ... a duck ... a great big cookie ... and a little midget.

Me: Huh? What's going on here? And what exactly is the difference between a 'little' midget and a regular midget?

(...giggles again...) apple ... a little midget and a magician.

(more strange looks...)

.... a duck ... aaaaaaand Napoleon.

Me: Whaaaaaaaaaa? This is getting more than a little ridiculous, and you seem to be more than a little obsessed with short people...

(giggles, giggles, and more giggles....)

.... a little midget ... and an oreo cookie.......

It's days and things like this that are what I love about homeschooling. An exercise intended to improve not only focus, but short term memory turns into a fun-filled 10-15 minutes full of creativity and laughter. I couldn't have planned it better myself.


  1. This is what homeschooling is all about. Precious moments of learning, love and laughter! Perfect!

  2. sounds like fun Sam! But I still think a trip to NYC is in order!

  3. The beauty of homeschooling!!!
    Sounds like you guys are having a fun school year!
